Construct a query to the FMI API

fmi_query(type = c("real-time", "daily", "monthly"), ...)



A length 1 character vector specifying the measurement interval of the observations to request


Name-value pairs of character vectors, used as query parameters. See details for possible values.


A character vector containing query URLs for the FMI API.


The list of possible parameters passed in ... depends on the type and format of the query being constructed. Query-specific parameters are fully documented in the FMI Open Data Manual.

Common parameters include:

starttime, endtime

A date or datetime specifying the start/end of the interval to request data for. These must be in the ISO-8601 format.


A string specifying the place of measurement in general terms. E.g. "Helsinki", "Oulu"

See also

fmi_data() to request data from the API.


fmi_query("real-time", place = "Helsinki")
#> [1] ""